Friday, February 4, 2011

Parent Support Group Meeting

Date: Thursday. February 10, 2011
Time: 6:30-8:00pm
Meeting to be held at the at the Delaware County Resource Center, 34570 St Hwy 10, Walton, NY 13856
If you have a son or daughter with an autism spectrum disorder or developmental or intellectual disability, or if you suspect your child may have a disability and you would like to talk with other parents, this meeting is for you. Get to know other parents. Create networking and socialization opportunities for you and your child. Learn from each other and professionals in the field. Provide and receive support and encouragement.

Refreshments & Child Care Provided
To reserve space for child care, for questions, directions, or to be notified of future meetings, contact Catherine: 607-865-7126 or email
Supported by The Arc of Delaware County and Carousel Children's Services.

Facebook-Parent Support Group Delaware County NY